/manager/Index en-au 5 Neurotoxicity in Russells viper (Daboia russelii) envenoming in Sri Lanka: a clinical and neurophysiological study /manager/Repository/uon:28062 Daboia russelii) cause unique neuromuscular paralysis not seen in other Russells vipers. Objective: To investigate the time course and severity of neuromuscular dysfunction in definite Russells viper bites, including antivenom response. Methodology: We prospectively enrolled all patients (>16 years) presenting with Russells viper bites over 14 months. Cases were confirmed by snake identification and/or enzyme immunoassay. All patients had serial neurological examinations and in some, single fibre electromyography (sfEMG) of the orbicularis oculi was performed. Results: 245 definite Russells viper bite patients (median age: 41 years; 171 males) presented a median 2.5 h (interquartile range: 1.75-4.0 h) post-bite. All but one had local envenoming and 199 (78%) had systemic envenoming: coagulopathy in 166 (68%), neurotoxicity in 130 (53%), and oliguria in 19 (8%). Neurotoxicity was characterised by ptosis (100%), blurred vision (93%), and ophthalmoplegia (90%) with weak extraocular movements, strabismus, and diplopia. Neurotoxicity developed within 8 h post-bite in all patients. No bulbar, respiratory or limb muscle weakness occurred. Neurotoxicity was associated with bites by larger snakes (p < 0.0001) and higher peak serum venom concentrations (p = 0.0025). Antivenom immediately decreased unbound venom in blood. Of 52 patients without neurotoxicity when they received antivenom, 31 developed neurotoxicity. sfEMG in 27 patients with neurotoxicity and 23 without had slightly elevated median jitter on day 1 compared to 29 normal subjects but normalised thereafter. Neurological features resolved in 80% of patients by day 3 with ptosis and weak eye movements resolving last. No clinical or neurophysiological abnormality was detected at 6 weeks or 6 months. Conclusion: Sri Lankan Russells viper envenoming causes mild neuromuscular dysfunction with no long-term effects. Indian polyvalent antivenom effectively binds free venom in blood but does not reverse neurotoxicity.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:39:43 AEDT ]]> Dataset for "Neuromuscular effects of common Krait (Bungarus caeruleus) envenoming in Sri Lanka" /manager/Repository/uon:21860 Mon 26 Aug 2024 12:55:04 AEST ]]> Sub-clinical neuromuscular dysfunction after envenoming by Merrem’s hump-nosed pit viper (Hypnale hypnale) /manager/Repository/uon:44856 Mon 24 Oct 2022 11:02:40 AEDT ]]> Neuromuscular effects of Common Krait (Bungarus caeruleus) envenoming in Sri Lanka /manager/Repository/uon:28058 Bungarus caeruleus) bites were recruited from a Sri Lankan hospital. All patients had serial neurological examinations and stimulated concentric needle single-fibre electromyography (sfEMG) of orbicularis oculi in hospital at 6 wk and 6-9 mth post-bite. Principal Findings: There were 33 patients enrolled (median age 35 y; 24 males). Eight did not develop neurotoxicity and had normal sfEMG. Eight had mild neurotoxicity with ptosis, normal sfEMG; six received antivenom and all recovered within 20-32 h. Seventeen patients developed severe neurotoxicity with rapidly descending paralysis, from ptosis to complete ophthalmoplegia, facial, bulbar and neck weakness. All 17 received Indian polyvalent antivenom a median 3.5 h post-bite (2.8-7.2 h), which cleared unbound venom from blood. Despite this, the paralysis worsened requiring intubation and ventilation within 7 h post-bite. sfEMG showed markedly increased jitter and neuromuscular blocks within 12 h. sfEMG abnormalities gradually improved over 24 h, corresponding with clinical recovery. Muscle recovery occurred in ascending order. Myotoxicity was not evident, clinically or biochemically, in any of the patients. Patients were extubated a median 96 h post-bite (54-216 h). On discharge, median 8 days (4-12 days) post-bite, patients were clinically normal but had mild sfEMG abnormalities which persisted at 6 wk post-bite. There were no clinical or neurophysiological abnormalities at 6-9 mth. Conclusions: Common krait envenoming causes rapid onset severe neuromuscular paralysis which takes days to recover clinically consistent with sfEMG. Subclinical neuromuscular dysfunction lasts weeks but was not permanent. Antivenom effectively cleared venom but did not prevent worsening or reverse neuromuscular paralysis.]]> Mon 19 Aug 2024 14:29:24 AEST ]]> Time delays in treatment of snakebite patients in rural Sri Lanka and the need for rapid diagnostic tests /manager/Repository/uon:37583 16 years), who presented with a confirmed snakebite from August 2013 to October 2014 were recruited from Anuradhapura Hospital. Demographic data, information on the circumstances of the bite, first aid, health-seeking behaviour, hospital admission, clinical features, outcomes and antivenom treatment were documented prospectively. There were 742 snakebite patients [median age: 40 years (IQR:27–51; males: 476 (64%)]. One hundred and five (14%) patients intentionally delayed treatment by a median of 45min (IQR:20-120min). Antivenom was administered a median of 230min (IQR:180–360min) post-bite, which didn’t differ between directly admitted and transferred patients; 21 (8%) receiving antivenom within 2h and 141 (55%) within 4h of the bite. However, transferred patients received antivenom sooner after admission to Anuradhapura hospital than those directly admitted (60min [IQR:30-120min] versus 120min [IQR:52-265min; p<0.0001]). A significantly greater proportion of transferred patients had features of systemic envenoming on admission compared to those directly admitted (166/212 [78%] versus 5/43 [12%]; p<0.0001), and had positive clotting tests on admission (123/212 [58%] versus 10/43 [23%]; p<0.0001). Sri Lankan snakebite patients present early to hospital, but there remains a delay until antivenom administration. This delay reflects a delay in the appearance of observable or measurable features of envenoming and a lack of reliable early diagnostic tests. Improved early antivenom treatment will require reliable, rapid diagnostics for systemic envenoming.]]> Fri 23 Aug 2024 12:47:45 AEST ]]>